Follow Up

Follow UP Activities (PEHELI 4ALL)

Each organization has their own plan for dissemination of results as followed:

Dissemination Plan ACPELIA CYPRUS

After the approval of the proposal, the logo of the program will be created, which will accompany every publicity action. A special space will be designed on the website of our association especially for the program where both the actions of preparation and the actions of the implementation of the program will be registered and displayed as well as the results from the integrated program. Also, we are going to create the webpage of the project. Following the selection of the beneficiaries, a communication and information exchange group will be set up between the youth, foundation, and local community working groups.

To achieve the best possible diffusion results, each individual action during the implementation of the program will be documented and made public through photographic and videotaped material during and after the completion of the program. These, together with printed material, will be the basis of the campaign for the dissemination of our results. The Erasmus + Outcome Platform will be used, which offers a comprehensive presentation of all Erasmus + funded projects, highlighting projects, good practices, and further dissemination of learning outcomes.

Also, Webpage of the project created: 

The participants in the project, after a complete preparation and guidance, will be able to use their experience by organizing workshops, under the guidance of the team leader, where they will be able to transfer the know-how acquired during the program implementation. The youth will act as educators-multipliers in the local community and will deliver printed and electronic material for information and awareness of those interested. Each participant, during a specific time, will be publishing relevant material on the association's website, to inform all interested parties about the results of the project and extensive information will be provided from the first day that will be organized. All the announcements will be gathering and sent from the youth to the local press and to the association's collaborating bodies, as well as the material with the used training material during the project will be presented and distributed to youth organizations and associations from all the members.


ACPELIA from Cyprus will involve young people from the rural areas around Limassol first and foremost, thus helping them develop sustainable business models which will not harm the environment but work in its favour. Thanks to this, ACPELIA will work even more closely with the local community and all the relevant stakeholders. The international environment in which our staff and participants will be placed will positively impact inclusion within our ranks and in the local community, something which is very important in these turbulent times for the country. ACPELIA also, will engage participants in the project, which will help youth workers to raise their skills and knowledge about the main topic. In this way, and with the experience they gain from the project, they could share this experience with the community through the local workshops with youth people. This local activity will impact the local and regional communities. Also, the organization has an online community where we keep in touch with national youth workers from different parts of the country. The participants can upload the digital format of the workshops and share it with them, impacting other communities on the national level.

In all our projects that we implement we are making open webpages to the public which always are there for long time after the ending of the project. Some examples of previous project that were implemented from our organisation through the coordination of Nikolas the president of applicant organisation. All the webpages of the implemented projects can be found in the webpage of the NGO: 

    As anyone can see even if we have a lot of project, it's important for us, the applicant organisation to keep the results of the project open to public for many years after the implementation of one project. Always we are learning through this procedure and we are getting better

NGO ACPELIA CYPRUS will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages and other sources:

1. Webpage of the organization: 

2. Facebook Page of the organization: 

3. Instagram of the organization: 


We will share the result online and offline:

 Online: We will share it on our social media (Facebook, Instagram…) also we will publish articles in our Blog. These kinds of activities will reach people at local, national and international level. 

Offline: We will organize dissemination events in our office to share the information with other members of our organization and the organizations in Kiev (Ukraine). 

Also, we will organize events in participants' schools. Information about the project will be posted in our dissemination channels and shared within our local network. 

All the dissemination links will be sent to organizers after the project, in particular: Call for participants, announcement of project start with project description, Feedbacks of participants, Dissemination Events organized by participants, Project videos and materials (if applicable). 

We will share the project results within the NGO local and international network including regional and local HEIs and authorities Participants will manage a local informational campaign after coming back from the mobility part of the project. They will contact interested spectators and share the results locally, regionally and nationally. 

NGO Development and Initiative (Ukraine) will disseminate the program through the following webpages: 


We concentrate on establishing a robust online presence through consistent updates on our social media pages and relevant platforms. Collaborative efforts with local stakeholders, including schools, universities, community centers, and like-minded NGOs, form a key aspect of our strategy. By forging partnerships with these organizations, we aim to tap into their networks and resources, amplifying the reach of our project. To further engage with the community, we plan to organize events and activities tailored to their interests. These community-focused initiatives may include open workshops,and cultural events where participants can showcase the skills they have acquired through the project. 

Actively involving the residents of Chouf in these events creates a sense of ownership and generates community support, reinforcing the impact and sustainability of our endeavors. The active involvement of participants is paramount to the success of our activities. To ensure their meaningful engagement, we prioritize providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the goals, objectives, and benefits associated with each activity. Empowering them, we entrust participants with the responsibility of designing workshops and overseeing all aspects related to the activities. This sense of ownership is integral, fostering a deeper commitment and active participation, aligning with our overarching goal in the youth group. 

Participants will not only take charge of workshops and events, but also play a vital role in sharing their firsthand experiences with the project. Through personal stories and testimonials, they become compelling advocates, contributing to the generation of interest and building credibility within the community. 

By amplifying their voices, we aim to create a more resonant impact, reinforcing the significance of their role in shaping and promoting the objectives of our group. Our Instagram page, , serves as a valuable platform for sharing project updates, outcomes, and engaging with the audience, especially the youth. It allows for visually appealing content and direct interaction with followers and the community in general. We are currently in the process of establishing a presence on LinkedIn and Facebook. The creation of these pages aims to broaden our outreach, providing participants and the wider community with more channels to stay informed about the project's progress, outcomes, and relevant updates.


We will make the project visible outside our organization by leveraging our partnerships with local youth and educational institutions. We will share the project website on our social media channels to share updates, outcomes, and success stories. We will collaborate with local and regional stakeholders, including schools (especially the local afterschool programme we regularly work with), to organize public events and exhibitions showcasing the project's achievements

We will engage participants through a participatory approach, involving them in project planning and decision-making. We will create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that encourages active participation. Regular feedback sessions and open communication channels will ensure that participants have a voice in shaping project activities and outcomes

Results will be shared in the following pages:







We will include ideas, inspirations, knowledge and workshops that will be learned, experienced to our future projects and programmes, and use it when working with students on a daily basis. Results will be shared locally and on our social pages and a website. 

Our association administers a web page and social pages of the school on Instagram, Facebook. The project will be visible on all our social pages, local newspaper. Participants will share their experience on their personal social profile pages. Project's results will be shared with local, national community and partners, friends abroad by writing articles, posts, sharing photos and videos. 

Participants will share their experience on their personal social profile pages, make photos, videos of the experience and insights. 

The information about the project will be shared through the following sources: 

Schools webpage: 

Facebook page:

Instagram account:

Local newspaper:  


We will share the result online and offline: Online: We will share it on our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…) also we will publish articles in our Blog written by our participants about the topic of Circular Economy. This kind of activities will reach people at local, national and international level. 

Offline: We will organize dissemination events in our office to share the information with other members of our organization and the organizations in North Macedonia. Also, we will organize events in participants' schools. 

-The "SENSE" Association from Moldova was founded in 2022 at the initiative of some people involved in the life of people with visual impairments. The aim of the association is to offer people with disabilities the chance to integrate in the community. The mission of the association is to help and provide support to people with disabilities, especially those with visual impairments in order to adapt to the community and to find an active role in it. Sense Association has experience in working with people with disabilities, creating the framework for social integration, fair play rules for sport activities, adaptation of activities to create equity for each participant to the activity. 

The association is currently collaborating at the national level with blind association from Moldova, 2 national media publications. At the international level, the association collaborates with the association of the blind in Iasi, Romania for exchanges of knowledge, experiences and culture. They have already planned 2 international exchanges of experience for people in their community. The dissemination of the project will be mainly by the participants and members of the organization by organizing follow up activities in their community but also writing reports and sharing them online. As a follow up activity, the youth workers will meet with stakeholders but also with beneficiaries with the community, which the organization works with and will implement 1-2 workshops that were more impactful within the project. NGO SENSE (Moldova) will disseminate the program through the following webpage: 


With the help of local Cultural Centers we will create dissemination events, where the youths can storytell their experience and learnings from the project. As participants at the events will be other youths, youth workers and community members from our villages or from the neighbor villages. 

In partnership we will ensure Local & Regional Outreach: Engage with schools, colleges, and other youth organizations within the Iasi county and broader region to introduce the benefits of the project and of the Erasmus+ programme Moreover, we engage with local, regional, and national media outlets to cover the success stories and impacts of the project initiative. Main channels of distribution are our own social media channels, but also through community meetings and workshops to share practical skills and knowledge. 

The participants in the project are key actors. They will be encouraged to prepare, promote and plan the whole activity of the dissemination, our association just monitoring and assisting when they will ask for help. 

Organisation will disseminate the program through the following webpage: 


We will share the result online and offline: 

Online: We will share it on our social media (Facebook, Instagram…) also we will publish articles in our Blog written by our participants. This kind of activity will reach people at local, national and international level. 

Offline: We will organize dissemination events in our office to share the information with other members of our organization and the organizations in Belarus. 

Also, we will organize events in our partner friendly organisations. As a dissemination of the results after follow-up activities we plan to create a youth community interested in the topic and ready to learn this dimension inside New Faces. Also collaboration with other NGOs and European College of Liberal Arts are planned in order to disseminate the results and go further in development. 

Political situation in Belarus and attacks and repressions in the NGO sector brought a lot of challenges in terms of visibility of the work. If the situation remains the same difficult, we will be obliged to use closed telegram channels and our trustful resources only to disseminate the results of the project to ensure the security of participants of the project, members and representatives of NGO as well as those who are interested in participation in follow-up activities. 

BYPU "New Faces" (Belarus) will disseminate the program through the following webpages (if the situation in their country will be safe for disseminating through the NGO): 

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