Partner organisations


"Eurotender Association was founded in 2005, with the aim of contributing to the success of the structural policy of the European Union in the South Great Plains region of Hungary. As a public benefit organization, it wishes to foster social and economic cohesion. Our operations include the support of disadvantaged people in the region, primarily improving the conditions of ethnicities, youth, elderly people, women and disabled people; examining the current state of the labour market and workplace health protection, and achieve sustainable development in harmony with the EU policies.

Due to our implemented projects, we have excellent working relations with the University of Szeged, elementary and secondary schools in the city of Szeged, Hungary.


NGO "Development and Initiative" is Ukrainian organization, which was founded in 2010, aims to promote active citizenship, sustainable development and borderless Europe, youth mobility, youth employment and entrepreneurship. Our main priorities are promotion of youth participation, active civic position and ideas of democracy among young Ukrainians, spreading awareness of mobility opportunities and building up an active civic society via non-formal education projects.

We clearly see the ways how new active generation break stereotypes, develop their selves and the world around. It is so easy to change the question from "Why should I do it?" to "Who will do it if not me?". Only by active participation in social and political life we can renovate our life and became the respectful part of the world society.

Asociatia "Clubul Sportiv Forza Junior Costuleni", ACSFJC, Romania

The main activities of the ACSFJC are to provide non-formal education through sport. Sports activities, in addition to the physical benefits they offer you, healthy living, endurance, offer you behaviour that helps you become an important resource of society. Through the activities we do, we educate young people to collaborate, to be open and to listen to the needs of others, to keep their promises, to be punctual and disciplined. We have 8 years of local activity, working mainly with young people from rural areas. Over time, we have been able to offer the chance for over 400 young people to develop and move out of the countryside to study at quality high schools in the area. Some of these young people have become people with good careers, and the most important thing is that they turn their attention to the community that formed them and help the new generations.

New Faces, BELARUS

Belarusian Youth Public Union New Faces is a Belarusian NGO, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus on February 20, 1997. BYPU New Faces is based on the democratic principles of openness, tolerance and equality, uses innovative ways of work and methodology of non-formal education and promotes active citizenship of young people in Belarus.

Our mission is to strengthen and develop Belarusian civil society. BYPU New Faces aims at supporting youth initiatives in areas of culture, education, information, environment, as well as at assisting the development of active citizenship and democratic youth movement in Belarus. New Faces strives to the international understanding and cooperation between young people, promotes peace and struggles against intolerance and discrimination.


The "SENSE" association was founded in 2022 at the initiative of some people involved in the life of people with visual impairments.

The purpose of the association: To offer people with disabilities the chance to integrate in the community The mission of the association: To help and provide support to people with disabilities, especially those with visual impairments in order to adapt to the community and to find an active role in it.

Sense's plans for the next five years:

We want to create a framework for the personal and psychological development of people with visual impairments. Our ideal, is to create a multifunctional centre where visually impaired people can interact with the community, develop new skills that can help them in their personal lives, find work opportunities in the community, play sports and develop as any other citizen of the Republic of Moldova.   

Forever Young Organization , LEBANON

We are an informal group based in Al Chouf, Lebanon, renowned for its scenic beauty. Our focus is on youth and community development, promoting awareness. Amid gradual growth, our central aim is to empower the youth. Our mission centers on nurturing leadership and collective power in young individuals to attain social justice, peace, human dignity, freedom, and a sustainable environment.


Dedicated to achieving social security, justice, peace, human dignity, freedom, patriotism, and a healthy environment for everyone. This pursuit is driven by the leadership and collective power of the youth.

Asociacija Seimu Bendryste, Lithuania

"Tėkmė" school officially was established in 2014. It started with a small child care group, created by associacion "Seimu bendryste. Year by year community kept growing and this year there is a kindergarten, primary classes and lower secondary education for 91 child aged from 2 till 13 and the number of students is growing every year. The number of staff is 35. In our school we follow the idea of holistic education, so students in the school are growing empathic, continuous learning, communal, in harmony with nature and creative.

We learn:

  • in accordance with holistic education principle
  • in mixed- age class
  • at individual pace
  • in accordance with thematic education principle
  • by problem-based learning
  • outdoors


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