Preparation Activities
For the whole duration of the project we have one main activity and the APV Meeting as followed?
August 2024: Starting of the program – first communication with the partners.
September 2024: Online Meeting about the project for partners organisations
October 2024: Creating a group on Facebook with all the leaders participating in the project for an easier exchange of ideas or questions about the program and for better communication, thought sharing and actions.
October 2024: Online meeting with the partners, preparing for the APV
November 2024:
Implementing an APV, signing the contracts with organisations, confirming the whole schedule, program of YE, discussing the profile of participants and get the team tasks. APV dates from 7 to 9 of November.
October - November 2024: Selection of the participants that will participate in YE
November 2024: Signing contracts with all participants of the training and the organisations. Online Meeting about the project with all participants
Logo Contest of the program
December 2024
The Facebook group will be extended to all participants in addition to leaders and facilitators of the orgnizations. The Facebook page for the moment is going to be a closed page – after dissemination is going to be open for all the people for dissemination of the results.
January - April 2025
Organising comprehensive preparation with participants at the places, including online and offline meetings, discussions on the aim and topic of the YE, preparation of the tasks. Preparing Cultural nights from each country with theater, art and dances from their area.
Preparation Activities
February 2025
Sending a full infopack to participants about the upcoming project with the whole information, orginizing practical and logistic processes.
April – May 2025: Final preparation of the activities for the YE